Matching the right GatsbyShoes to your dress is a skill and a thought process. While there are certain rules to follow, some mistakes are just plain silly! Don’t worry, though – fashion is an exciting form of self-expression and you can always make a statement no matter what you’re wearing! Keep reading for some tips on how to style your dress shoes. Here are some tips for a perfect match:

Wearing Contrasting Color Combinations

Contrasting color combinations make a great wardrobe staple. Lighter shades of the same hue will look great with dark-toned dress shoes. Lighter shades of khakis will be in lighter yellows and golds. Darker purples and indigos will look good with navy blues. These colors compliment each other nicely. If you don’t want to use a contrasting color scheme, you can stick to basic colors.

To create a contrasting color combination, start with any item of clothing. For example, a brown dress with light blue shoes looks great with a black dress. To add drama, wear a light blue purse. Alternatively, wear delicate silver or gold jewelry with your dress. Wearing contrasting color combinations with dress shoes is an excellent way to create drama. However, be sure to choose a complementary color scheme for the dress and purse.

Contrasting colors are also a great way to make a fashion statement. Try a purple court shoe with a tailored orange dress. Or pair a bright yellow dress with a terracotta sandal in turquoise blue. These combinations will look particularly refreshing in summertime, and they can pack a powerful fashion punch. When using contrasting colors with dress shoes, remember to keep the weather in mind. A bold dress will definitely draw attention!

Avoiding Dark Colors

When styling dress shoes, avoid wearing colors that will clash with the rest of your outfit. The same applies to darker shades of dress shoes. If your outfit is dominated by a single color, choose a shade that is one or two shades lighter. Dark blue heels, for example, would clash with an outfit that is predominantly white. However, if your shoes are a shade of blue, go for a lighter shade.

Dark brown and black are classic colors for dress shoes, and they can be worn with a variety of pants and suits. Those with muted colors look great with khaki chinos and charcoal or dark navy trousers. The dark colors tend to be more formal, and those with medium or light browns are eye-catching and suitable for smart casual wear. Most guys will consider color and style when selecting a pair of dress shoes, but there are some exceptions to this rule.

Choosing a Shoe that Has a Rounded Toe

Despite their name, not all rounded toe shoes are created equal. They can be narrow, full, or elongated. The most common toe box shape is the round one. Some shoes even have a chisel toe, which resembles an actual chisel. Regardless of toe shape, rounded toes should always be worn with formal wear.

Avoiding Jeans with Embellishments

Denim with embellishments or other accents is often inappropriate when styling dress shoes. This is because such jeans will only draw attention to the shoe, rather than complement the outfit. Instead, choose a neutral or dark-colored pair of jeans and a shoe that complements the overall color. Using accessories to accent your outfit is a great way to add personality to your look. Here are some tips to style your dress shoes and jeans.

Dark-wash jeans will look great with a variety of sweater colors and patterns. Solid-colored sweaters look great under patterned or solid-colored shirts. You can go a step further and wear a shawl-collared sweater instead. A sports coat or sports jacket over a solid-colored sweater can elevate the look without detracting from the look. And while you are at it, don’t forget to wear a pair of classic dress shoes.

As far as jeans go, try to steer clear of those with embellishments. While you can still wear dress shoes with jeans, you should make sure that the rest of the outfit complements the shoes. Embroidery-detailed jeans can distract from the overall look. This is a mistake that many women make. And be sure to choose a pair that is appropriate for the occasion. That way, you won’t look like a clumsy slob, and everyone will be jealous of your great style.

When styling dress shoes, you should always go for the highest-quality pair. Faux dress shoes won’t work with jeans. Choose a pair of genuine leather shoes instead. They will last a lifetime. Just remember that a good pair of dress shoes will cost you more, so invest in a pair of nice dress shoes. There are many places online that offer cheap dress shoes. And most of them will give you a discount if you purchase them online. Facts About Leather Shoes and How to Properly Take Care of Them