Plants need a lot more water during summer as compared to spring when the weather is mild and lovely. Plants may need to be watered daily during sunny weather, or once a week during springtime.
When you water plants, make sure you give them sufficient water. Pour water on potted plants until the extra water escape from the pot holes.
Aside from water, some potted plants may also need fertilizer to stay healthy. You will also need to prune their branches from time to time to get rid of dead leaves and branches, and promote plant growth.
There are a lot more to caring for potted plants that you need to know so read on and learn.

Choose plants wisely: Some plants require a lot of space in order to grow to its fullest. Plants like these may not be fitting to be placed in pots. Do your homework, and read about which plants are best grown in pots. You will find a lot of resources about this on the internet. You may also ask your local gardener for more information because they have more experience in planting various plants.
Choose the right pots: Some plants may require clay pots, while others may thrive in any kind of pot (plastics or recycled materials). When choosing pots, make sure they have holes at the bottom to allow excess water to escape. If you’re using recycled materials, be sure to create holes at the bottom of the container.
Lightweight pots are best for plants during winter because they do not absorb moisture as much as clay pots, giving plants more moisture.

Go for potting mix: Buying potting mix from your local gardener will make your potted plants healthy. This mixture would often have organic materials beneficial to plants, as compared to yard soil that may weeds or fungi.
Prepare your pots: Identifying the places where you will be putting your plants will save you the hassle of carrying heavy pots from your garden to its supposed location.
Place heavy pots on their respective places right away, before putting the soil mix and plants. Make sure you place coffee paper at the bottom of the pot to prevent the soil mix from escaping the pot after you water it.
Time to place your plant on the pot: Before transferring the plant to the pot from the nursery or a previous location, water it one hour before the re-planting. This will loosen the soil and allow you to easily dislodge the plant from the container.
Do not attempt to pull out the plant as it will damage the roots. Gently tip the container until the plant and soil comes out, then place it on the pot. Add soil as needed, leaving about an inch of space before the pot’s rim.