When Jesus called Peter, James, and John away from their nets to follow him, this event raised important issues of balance and priority.

There are few propositions in the Bible (and in life in general) which do not depend on and draw their meaning from stories, and these tales provide pathways toward faith.



The Story of Creation

The Bible begins with an exciting account of creation. This tale tells us who made our world and how he did it, while also showing the power of God’s words as they make the cosmos come to life and providing a basis for understanding more of Scripture.

One of the greatest obstacles to biblical creation today is evolution. According to Genesis 1, God created everything in six normal-length days, declaring all creation good after completion. This accounts of creation differ greatly from scientific theories such as big bang theory, abiogenesis and geological evolution which all suggest life arising without divine intervention whereas Genesis 1 asserts all living organisms come from an invisible God and reproduce after their species type.

As soon as we understand the creation story, it becomes much simpler to comprehend the significance of Leviticus’ commands calling for holiness. When we recognize that order serves both to form and fill spaces with life; that sanctification requires separation from both world and God; it becomes apparent why this must also include separation from sin – something which destroys rather than adds.

This biblical insight has profound ramifications for who we are and the way we live our lives. It reminds us to remember the great work done by our Creator, as well as acknowledge we are his special creation in his world. However, while life may be fulfilling in its own ways here on planet Earth, disasters of both natural and manmade origin can occur from time to time, and life-threatening encounters with creatures who share this planet can kill or maim us at any moment.

We should never forget this story and should teach it to our children as well. It has an impactful message for all people no matter their age or status and must be shared as truthfully as possible – by speaking out against those who deny its reality as well as living out its truth in daily lives.


The Story of Israel

Start with Israel as an introduction. God called them His special treasured possession, an active representative in this world (Exodus 19:4-6).

The Bible recounts Abraham and Sarah’s journey from birth through to King David establishing an unified kingdom under him, recounting both their hardships and triumphs, sin and repentance; yet God remains true in keeping his promises even when people fail Him.

This story is told primarily through the historical books Joshua through 2 Kings, commonly referred to by scholars as Deuteronomistic history. Tucker asserts that these texts ‘provide a hermeneutical key for understanding Pentateuch’ (42) while simultaneously conveying “the pattern of sin-exile-restoration that runs throughout Scripture” (42).

At the outset of this story, we read of Israel’s victory at Jericho and Rahab and Achan’s faithful service under Joshua; later in this account we learn of their insubordination towards God, leading them away from Canaan into captivity with Babylonia before returning under Cyrus the Great (516 B.C).

King Solomon’s reign as ruler was one of peace and prosperity for Israel’s united kingdom, yet over time its people turned away from God and his prophets, falling prey to various oppressive empires before being saved by leaders sent from God as judges (called judges). Eventually Israel would split into two separate nations; Judah in the north and Israel in the south; both of which eventually abandoned God altogether.

Through all these stories, we gain a better sense of God’s grand plan to restore his kingdom on Earth. He chose Israel to demonstrate his faithfulness, grace and justice; yet they kept rejecting him and sending prophets to remind them of his promises; after punishing their disobedience with punishments that brought them back home again into his loving embrace. If you are interested in reading more about stories in the bible like how Cain murdered Abel, then I suggest you check out the hyperlink.


The Story of Jesus

The Bible’s powerful stories offer more than mere academic or historical edification; they offer real-life answers to our most pressing issues and questions. It reveals God’s will for our lives and shows how He can mend broken hearts – most importantly though, these timeless passages teach us how to trust in Jesus as the Son of God.

The story of Jesus’ birth begins with an angel visiting Mary, who was betrothed to Joseph (son of David), telling her she would bear God’s Son. Mary accepted God’s gift of life and believed He would fulfill His promise.

This story also depicts Jesus’s upbringing, not in a palace but instead having to flee Egypt due to King Herod’s persecution, where he would eventually spend most of his time healing and serving the poorest among society – an act which challenged religious leaders who preferred keeping away from sinners and outcasts.

But Jesus attracted not just the lowly. Even Zaccheus, an ungodly tax collector and sinful tax collector was drawn to Him; though being short he couldn’t see over the crowds. So he thought up a clever plan: climbing to the top of a tree so he could see Him; when He saw him He showed compassion (Luke 19:1-10).

John’s Gospel offers one of the most riveting biblical narratives ever told. Chapter 1 opens by proclaiming that Jesus is both “with” God and “God Himself”. This doesn’t imply that He existed before creation took place; rather it highlights that He is God’s most complete utterance – an essential power which created and guides humanity, so to ignore or ignore him would be foolishness indeed.

The Bible’s stories give us hope that we can change both ourselves and the world we live in. They show that Babylon needn’t control our future; Jesus did not accept this fate on his deathbed and His resurrection proves this point.


The Story of the Church

Jesus established His church at Pentecost as both a new covenant community and fulfillment of Old Testament Israel’s promises. It consists of one body of believers united in love, fellowship, and service to one another – local churches covenanted together under this one banner to worship Triune God together while loving their neighbors (Acts 2:42-47)

The early church began in Jerusalem and flourished quickly, growing from 120 people on its inaugural day to 3,000 within 24 hours – not to mention spreading across the globe in less than one generation! This phenomenal surge in growth was due to Pentecost when God sent forth His Holy Spirit and lit them on fire with faith – they became on fire to spread Jesus’s gospel with everyone they encountered!

As part of its missionary efforts, the church also strives to sanctify humanity. To this end, Christians are taught, corrected and trained so they may lead godly lives that are holy in order to equip themselves for godly living and holiness through Scripture-guided teaching and sacraments. Members are encouraged to pursue holiness through spirit-inspired self-discipline of prayer and Bible study before proceeding onto loving and humble disciplining one another as well as serving others with compassion.

Churches have played an outsized role in shaping world history. Armies have spread across continents, dynasties have arisen and fallen, ideologies have taken root across continents- but Holy Mother Church remains firm through it all. The Church continues to have an impactful presence in the lives of billions around the globe today, unlike any other religion which has reached so many people over such an extended timeframe. Even in spite of past and present difficulties and controversies, she can offer hope because it rests upon a person rather than earthly circumstances – Jesus Christ as Son of God and Savior of the World is this hope-giver; he serves as Jesus to Jewish remnants, wisdom for Greek apologists, the heavenly Logos in Orthodox councils and personal Savior for evangelical revivalists alike.