It pays to have a green thumb if you love growing plants. But sometimes, this is not sufficient. You need to know the basics of growing plants in order to maintain them and keep them alive on any type of weather.
It is not an easy task, but it should not be difficult either. If you love plants, you will find the following plant care tips easy to understand and implement. Read on to know more on this.
Check the soil’s water or moisture content.
Plants need different amounts of water. Some may need to be watered twice a day, especially during hot weather, while others only need to be watered once a week.

To know if your plant needs watering, get a feel of the soil. If its top layer has gone dry, you may need to water the plant. Also watch out for discoloration of the leaves as this could indicate need for water.
It is also important to note that over-watering plants is not good for them. Sometimes, they’re better off lacking water because that is easier to remedy than being watery.
Choose the best spot for house plants.
Plants, like people, want stability. They hate to be moved around. So, before you re-plant your indoor plants into new pots, make sure you already have a spot ready for them that could be reached by sunlight, and has the right temperature.
Choose low light plants for bathrooms.
As their name suggests, low light plants need very little sunlight. As long as your bathroom has a small window where sunlight can penetrate, they will be able to receive the required amount of sunlight. The moisture in the bathroom after you shower will also be sufficient to provide them with the water they need.
Trim your plants.

Trimming or pruning your plants will ensure dead leaves and branches get removed. Doing this will give branches the ability to grow again after some of them have dried during the winter.
Do your best to keep plants in their natural habitat.
Replicating the plants natural habitat will make it live longer. Use the right soil, and do your best to maintain its required humidity, temperature, and environment. Also give it sufficient water and sunlight.
Take note as well that most plants thrive in high humidity. You may need to buy a humidifier if the need arises.
Watch out for droopy leaves.
If you’ve bought plants from a place you’ve visited during one of your trips, you may need to consult a horticulturist if the plants’ leaves start turning yellow. The plants may need extra care to nurture it back to health. A fertilizer will often do the trick.
Skip fertilizers.
Most house plants grow healthy without need for fertilizer. If you’re not sure if the plant needs fertilizer, consult a horticulturist. If no one is available, search the internet for information on each plant type. A lot of materials are often available online.
Don’t pull out plants for replanting.
Has your plant overgrown its current pot? You will need to put it in a bigger pot. But don’t pull it out from its current pot because there’s a risk you’ll damage some of its roots. Broken roots will mean it will take some time for your plant to heal and absorb nutrients. Worse, it could die.
Make sure you remove the whole plant from its old pot along with its soil, then place it on the new pot. Water it after replanting it.