Gardening can mean different things to everyone. Some garden to relieve stress, some to feel alive, while others feel closer to nature in a garden. Whatever your reasons are for creating a garden, the goal is often to create a beautiful work of art — a masterpiece full of lovely plants and flowers.

Maintaining it is not as easy as it looks. You have to be very observant and careful. You have to regularly check plants for possible infections or diseases that could spread to the rest of the plants in the garden. Here are ways to keep your garden plants healthy all year through:

Educate yourself. This is the best defense you can give your garden plants. If you are knowledgeable about proper plant care, you will never go wrong. Read plant magazines or materials on the internet. If you can, make a compilation or notes about what you have learned.

Use healthy garden soil. This type of soil is available at your local garden supply store. Most of the store-bought ones are organic or contain the essential nutrients needed by plants. If you know how to make compost, then make your own. This way, you know what is in your soil, and you can be sure it’s beneficial to your plants.

Be careful of plants you purchase from gardens. Make sure they are free from any insects because they could easily spread to your existing plants once you mix it with them. Check for plant health by carefully examining each leaf, stems and roots. Any discoloration could be a sign of a disease or fungus.

Be careful of bugs. Bugs can wreak havoc to your garden. It can kill your plants in a matter of months, leaving your garden into a disarray. Do not let this happen. Be sure you regularly check your plants for possible infestation.

It is better to prune affected plants or uproot them totally, to prevent the spread of the disease.

You can easily replace a plant or two, but it would be very difficult to replace a whole garden or start from scratch again.

Conduct garden maintenance during fall. Doing so will help you get rid of a starting infestation like plant spots evident on leaves that have brown spots. Eliminating this problem right away will save you from a huge headache.

Buy plants that are disease-resistant. Inquire from local plant sellers and growers about the most disease-resistant plants for your garden. The internet can also provide you information on this so be sure to do your research before buying plants for your garden.

Carefully plan the placement of plants. You wouldn’t want to place plants that hate too much sunlight on a well-lit part of the garden. They will eventually wilt and die from too much heat. Azaleas, for example, thrive under the shade so place them on a spot away from the sun.

Plants hate overcrowding. Space your plants well, taking into consideration the space they will take up as they grow. Some plants grow really high and branch out well, while others grow slowly.

Use the right kind of fertilizer. Each plant requires a specific type of fertilizer so know which ones to use.

Water your plants properly. Make sure you do not use too much water on plants that do not require it. Get to know your plants well so you can give them the appropriate care they need.